Have some questions you want to ask us? Excellent! We love talking with people to see how we can help you reach your goals. If you have questions about…
Once we get your info, we’re usually able to make you a fair all-cash offer within 24-48 hours. From there, we can close as quickly as 7-14 days… or on your schedule (sometimes we can have a check in your hand the very same day!). Call Today (757) 699-1198
CGN Homebuyers buys houses in Hampton roads and the surrounding areas. We’re not listing your house… we’re actually the ones buying your house. Because we pay cash, we’re able to close quickly… or on your schedule. Like we’ve mentioned, when you work with us there are no commissions or fees… like there are when you list your house with an agent. What this means to you is that you don’t have to worry about extra costs, or having to come out of pocket to sell your house. Don’t worry about getting your house ready for a sale (we’ll buy your house as-is). No need to spend your money on repairs or even worry about cleaning up your property.
What People Say
It’s important to us that the homeowners we work with have a great experience with us. In the end, we’re not happy if we’re not able to provide you with the solution you want. So, check out what others have said about us. Here’s just a few snippets of what other people we’ve worked with have said. Want to share your own experience with us? Send us a note to let us know what working with CGN Homebuyers has been like for you.
Leonard Kreker
Jasmine Grant
Carl Hlair
Are you ready to sell your property quickly and for a fair price? CGN Homebuyers buys houses in Hampton Roads and the surrounding areas in any condition. We are prepared to give you a free, no obligation offer on your property so that you can move forward with cash in your hands—and no property weighing you down!
© 2025 All Rights Reserved | CGN Homebuyers LLC